Alberta Ecotrust
& Partner Led Programs

Alberta Ecotrust Retrofit Accelerator

The Alberta Ecotrust Retrofit Accelerator program offers free coaching services to guide building owners and managers through making sustainable upgrades to their buildings, known as “deep retrofits.”

Photo of a father with two children happily standing outside a house

Alberta Ecotrust’s Home Upgrades Program

The Home Upgrades Program, offered in partnership with Kambo Energy Group, provides free energy efficiency education and home upgrades to qualified families living in Calgary and Edmonton.

Photo of a CleanO2 small-scale carbon capture and storage CarbinX™ unit, and the soap made from upcycled and permanently sequestered CO2

Alberta Ecotrust’s Carbon Capture for Nonprofits Program

This project works with nonprofits, charities and social housing organizations in Calgary and Edmonton to install the CARBiN-X carbon capture unit in their building so they can reduce emissions, lower costs and improve building performance.

Photo of Edmonton skyline

Alberta Ecotrust’s Climate Innovation Grant Program

Calgary and Edmonton need support to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That is why Alberta Ecotrust Foundation offers funding to a variety of nonprofit and charitable organizations for local low-carbon solutions. 

Image of three people looking out a large window giving their backs to the camera. Superimposed graphic elements illustrate a network.

Smart Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure Association

The Smart Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure Association (SSRIA) is working to accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions to reduce GHGs in the built environment. Since 2020 SSRIA has provided financial support for 20 demonstration projects to validate clean technologies and share the results with the building industry. Results and learnings from projects that cover all building types, systems and subjects can be searched in the Resource Library.

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