Benchmarking 101 – Intro to Emissions-Neutral Buildings Series: Deep Retrofits

Author/Contributor: ENBIX, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation

Alberta Context: This benchmarking fact sheet was produced by Alberta Ecotrust’s Retrofit Accelerator team and provides information about benchmarking for buildings. All content is relevant to Alberta.


Benchmarking 101 introduces energy and water benchmarking for buildings. It explains how benchmarking helps track and compare a building’s performance to identify efficiency improvements, conserve resources, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Key steps include:

  1. Collecting utility data – Gathering complete energy and water use data.

  2. Inputting data into a benchmarking tool – Using tools like ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to track performance.

  3. Evaluating performance – Assessing key metrics like energy use intensity (EUI), GHG intensity, and ENERGY STAR scores.

Benchmarking equips building owners with valuable insights, helping them make informed decisions to optimize energy, water, and GHG management. It is the critical first stage in a building utility management strategy.

Read the fact sheet here.

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